Monday, January 26, 2009

The Wrestler

At eighteen years I am apparently a very young person. Therefor I knew very little about whatever it was that Mickey Rourke did to destroy his career so badly that his comeback is almost messianic if that makes sense. Therefor it was easy for me watching "The Wrestler" to see him not as Mickey Rourke but as Randy the Ram Jam. The fact that people who did know what ever it is that happened to Rourke were able to do the same is testament to how good the performance is.
Randy is an old 80's wrestler fights is low end venues and regularly is punched,tackled and stapled ( don't ask) to his fans delight. On his off days he visits a beautiful but aging stripper "named" Cassidy played by Marrissa Tomei. He also attempts to reconcile with his estranges lesbian daughter played by Evan Rachel Wood. She is the only person in the movie who doesn't like Randy. Both women are excellent.
Randy is a man who is disparate to be loved and relishes the prove the crowds give him. Unfortunately he is going to have a heart atack if he continues wrestiling and he is fourced to retire and work in a deli. However he missed the aprooval of his fans and feels the temptation to renenter the ring. Mickey Rourke is wonderful as an exteamly likable but vulnerable chracter. This is the best male performance of the year. He is unbelivably heartbreking weather he is ramanicing Cassidy or getting destroyed in the ringby his friends. The female chracters are not as well written and the whole "hooker with a heart" thing annoys me to no end (especialy the gratyuitouly long nude dancing sequences). But Tomei is so good she won me over and the virtriole taht Wood spouts at Randy is pianful to watch. Ultimatly the film isn't quite as good as its lead perfoirmance which is fantastic.

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